
Viso, sensibilizzazione sull'imprenditorialità culturale giovanile

FACE è un progetto finanziato dall’UE che mira a sviluppare una formazione di qualità per gli educatori giovanili, il personale di supporto ai giovani e i giovani per diventare imprenditori culturali. L’obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di sviluppare e fornire un’opportunità di formazione di qualità agli educatori dei giovani, al personale delle organizzazioni che sostengono i giovani nello sviluppo delle loro idee imprenditoriali culturali e, in definitiva, ai giovani, fornendo loro le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per diventare imprenditori culturali innovativi di successo nei loro ambienti locali.

Risultati del progetto

FACE eLEARNING Platform and Toolkits

This Online Platform of Open Educational Resources on cultural entrepreneurship addresses youth educators, young adults, stakeholders’ staff working within the promotion of the cultural sector. The platform is a space to promote new economic logic and new models of entrepreneurship.

FACE Methodology Handbook
Comming soon, stay tuned !

This handbook aims at providing an integrated Methodology for supporting youth, youth educators, stakeholders’ staff to promote Cultural Entrepreneurship.

FACE Blended course
Comming soon, stay tuned !

This part aims at developing an innovative blended format course on Cultural Entrepreneurship, targeted at youth educators. The course will be developed with a Learning Outcome Matrix (LOM) with relevant learning outcomes, skills, competencies and knowledge.

FACE Methodology Handbook
Specific objectives :

  • Promoting creative learning through didactical notes for cultural entrepreneurship for youth educators
  • Promoting entrepreneurship among youth with a collection of case studies of initiatives of cultural entrepreneurs.
  • Strengthening the employability of youth  through a) Management Guide illustrating cultural entrepreneurship initiatives  and b) an Implementation Strategy for local communities

FACE Blended course
Specific objectives :

  • Introducing novel material addressing training needs of youth that want to be engaged in cultural entrepreneurship
  • Providing youth educators with specific content in cultural entrepreneurship
  • Developing content that can be tailored to suit local context and needs at European level regarding cultural entrepreneurship

FACE eLEARNING Platform and Toolkits
Specific objectives :

  • Provision of a set of interactive services including access to information, tools and innovative resources (Online Digital Databases) to support youth educators, young people and stakeholders to engage in cultural entrepreneurship.
  • Creation of a networking hub for Cultural Entrepreneurship that will interact through Forums and act as a think tank, experiences exchange floor and confidence support
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Imparare nuove competenze con corsi online, training e workshop

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Fai networking e incontra
nuove persone straordinarie

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