The kick-off meeting for the FACE project – Fostering Youth Awareness on Cultural Entrepreneurship – was held in Bastia on 22.06.2023.
The consortium made up of CIJ (Cooperative d’initiative jeunes), Creative District, Idec, Itinera (Cooperativa Itinera progetti e ricerche) and CSI (Center for Social innovation) and coordinated by BGE Ile Conseil – BGE Corse had the pleasure to meet in hybrid.
At this meeting, the consortium discussed and planned:
🔵 Methodology Handbook Outline.
🔵 Consultation of local working groups in each partner country.
🔵 Technical design of the functionalities of the e-learning platform and FACE toolkits the draft Training Plans developed by the consortium.
🔵 Dissemination and quality assurance activities.
“Cultural entrepreneurship empowers young minds to transform their passion for arts, music, and heritage into a driving force for creativity, innovation, and positive change in our society.”
👉 Project information
The FACE project aims to develop quality training opportunities for youth educators, youth support staff and young people for cultural entrepreneurship.
#FACE #culturalentrepreneurship #youthforentrepreneurship #ErasmusYouth

The next steps in the project will therefore be to work on the communication media, set up groups of local experts and start drawing up the handbook.