Welcome to FACE project
Supporting young people bringing into life their cultural entrepreneurial initiatives.

Workshops & Trainings
Learn new skills with online courses, trainings & workshops

Events & Networking Hub
Do networking and meet new amazing people
In July 2022, the unemployment rate of young people in the EU was 14.0%, while in June 2021 it was estimated at 14.5% (Eurostat). Lately, several EU initiatives have targeted social and cultural enterprises as a lever to increase job opportunities among young people, disproportionately hit by the last economic, COVID-19 and employment crises. Today, more than ever, the importance of culture and creativity for society is clear. The social economy has proved its resilience faring relatively better than mainstream businesses during the economic crisis. It is precisely the positive impact of social enterprises on society, the environment and communities which contributed to implementing the EU 2020 Strategy. Beyond strictly economic results, social enterprises create employment opportunities through the improvement of the skills and employability of persons for whom labour markets are more distant (A map of social enterprises and their eco-systems in EU 2015). The participation of entrepreneurship with a collective connotation in territorial development is able to overcome actual difficulties (Razafindrazaka, Fourcade 2016). Social economy can promote economic sustainability of cultural projects while respecting their “cultural” purpose. FACE project focuses on the value of social and collective cultural entrepreneurship (SCCE) and its potential to tackle unemployment among young adults. FACE considers both diversity and ICT skills as an asset and addresses NEETs, young adults in situations of exclusion and Youth Educators developing tools and methodologies accessible online that will be tested and validated during the project.
Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship
We believe in a culture-led regeneration, young cities, and youth generations.

The project’s main objective is to develop answers to the need for a quality training opportunity to youth educators, staff working in stakeholder organisations supporting young people developing their cultural entrepreneurial ideas and ultimately young people in order to provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful innovative Cultural Entrepreneurs in their own local environments.
They will learn:
– how to utilise their cultural capital and assets: Smart, creative, artistic, cultural, sustainable, regeneration.
– how problems have been solved/ addressed in other cities and/or local communities.
They will examine how young people have made business using artistic and cultural assets: traditions, music, skills, dress, stories, art, decorations, feasts and celebrations, food, place, architecture and buildings, nature and agriculture, tangible and intangible heritage.
Partners want to encourage jobs and growth which include a new model of work: Technology, Values and Economics. A model of creative production for SSE with a cooperative pedagogy. They will learn to recognise the key factors, which are instrumental in the formation of local culture as well as wider implications and research routes. We will also look at immigration and entrepreneurship, heritage, and local culture. We believe in a culture-led regeneration, young cities, and youth generations.
More precisely specific objectives of FACE are:
1. To use the methodology of local working groups to investigate skills needed by cultural entrepreneurs and to draw a Methodological Guide comprising of Didactical notes, Management of cultural enterprise and Implementation Strategy.
2. To develop a blended learning course with a Learning Outcome Matrix (LOM). The course will mainly address youth educators and stakeholders’ staff supporting young people bringing into life their cultural entrepreneurial initiatives.
3. To build a platform containing e-learning materials and FACE toolkits e.g. forum for exchanging experiences and getting help, repository of resources, best practicesetc., which will be pilot tested in all participating countries.
4. A transnational training of trainers workshop and piloting in all participating countries - France, Belgium, Italia, Greece, Cyprus - to evaluate the course.
5. To ensure the continuity and expansion of the project results after the project ends through dissemination and exploitation efforts during the whole of projects’ lifetime and beyond.